Klondike: The Lost Expedition Wiki

Across the bottom of the game-screen, you'll see avatars for all your neighbors (whom you add through the Neighbors-adding function ... somebody can add that description later ...)

I'm here to describe 'how you can dig up treasure on your neighbors' home-bases.' If you click on one of your neighbors' avatars, it'll take you to that neighbor's home-base. On each neighbor's Home Station, you'll have 5 free 'digs' (symbolized by shovels in the margin), letting you 'click on 5 objects on their Home Station' to see if you can get any treasures or exp. points or energy or extra digs that rest there.

(Yes, that's only if 1) you haven't already dug 300 times that day & 2) your neighbor has been to Klondike within the latest day & 3) there haven't already been 300 digs (about 60 other Klondikers) on that neighbor's Home Station.)

You'll also often see Birds' Nests (with Eggs) or -see Treasure Troves (a.k.a. Hides) out in your neighbor's Home Station. You can only open/take these if you hire your neighbor (so they're working on your Home Station instead of their own), if they don't have guard-animals or electric-fences etc. protecting their treasure, and if the nest/trove hasn't already been emptied (when Vizor keeps the image of it out there like a mirage in the desert that disappoints you when you finally reach it only to find it EMPTY!)

Another reason you might want to hire that neighbor is if your dig uncovers a Gold Vein. If you HAVEN'T hired that neighbor, you can't dig any further on that Gold Vein; if you HAVE hired them (or hire them IMMEDIATELY after you find the Gold Vein), continuing to dig in that Gold Vein will win you EXPONENTIALLY as many treasures/exp.-points/energy-charges as before!

What other resources can you dig up from Which objects? That link probably gives you some clues, but we'll tell you what's happened 'for some' (it may be different for you, according to your previous actions in the game ... i.e. we hope you'll add your own experience to the experiences below).

  • One miner tries to dig on each Home Station's Sawmill & usually finds Energy & Exp. Points there.
  • If they can't find a Sawmill & clicks on another building, they'll usually only find coins (although different types of buildings might give different types of treasure.)
  • If you're looking for a particular type of Natural Resource (Gold, Ore, etc.), you'll probably want to dig on 'the type of rock that usually holds it' (I think you can see which ones at that link.)